Portable programs in Arabic mean portable or mobile applications and they are like regular applications without any differences except that they work without the need for installation, meaning that you do not need to install them on the system and therefore they work on the operating system without taking up disk space and at the same time they do the same work as other programs installed on the system, meaning they are ready-to-run programs so that they work immediately upon clicking on them directly.
The benefit of these programs is that they do not burden the system by installing additional programs that may slow down its movement and prevent it from performing its tasks at the required speed because they are characterized by being very small in size compared to other programs that need to be installed. Portable programs work on external drives such as flash memory and other external storage disks where the program settings and installation files are all stored on the external disk as these programs do not place their files or settings on the device on which they are working, which is useful if you do not have administrator privileges on the computer.
مميزات النسخة المحمولة من جوجل كروم الاصدار الخاص بنا ::
- أيقاف التحديث التلقائي.
- منع المواقع الاباحية و المحتوي الاباحية.
- أيقاف أداة إعداد تقارير برامج Chrome وتقارير المقاييس.
- عدم تشغيل البرنامج أكثر من مرة واحدة By Just One Time HKProjects
- تحميل صفحات الويب بسرعة.
- تشغيل تطبيقات الويب بشكل أسرع من أي وقت مضى.
- تنظيم علامات التبويب كما يحلو لك بسرعة وسهولة.
- الإصدار متاح لأنظمة التشغيل بمعمارية 64 بت و 32 بت.
- يمكن تشغيله على جهاز كمبيوتر بدون اتصال بشبكة الإنترنت.
- يمكن تشغيله على اي فلاشة أو هارد خارجي.
- دعم جميع أصدارات الويندوز بدايةً من windows 7.
Futures Google Chrome Portable ::
- Disable Auotmatic Updates.
- Anti Porn (Disable All Porn Sites & Content).
- Disable Chrome Software Reporting Tool and metrics reporting.
- Never run more than once By Just One Time HKProjects
- Fast loading web pages.
- Run web applications faster than ever.
- Organize your tabs as you wish quickly and easily.
- The version is available for 64-bit and 32-bit operating systems.
- can be run on a computer without an internet connection.
- can be run on any flash drive or external hard drive.
- Support for all versions of Windows starting from Windows 7.
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