
Magician Toolbox By HK Projects – After Win Tool

كل ما تحتاجة بعد تنصيب ويندوز جديد + حل جميع مشاكل الالعاب و البرامج - Everything you need after installing a new Windows + solving all game and program problems

Magician Toolbox is another tool from HK Projects that is completely free.

Magician Toolbox – All In One After Win – Fix All Bugs



Magician Toolbox By HK Projects

🍂 Magician Toolbox By HK Projects
🍂 Magician Toolbox Fully Offline
🍂 Released : 2023.08.01
🍂 Updated : 20xx.xx.xx
🍂 Release status : Full Free
🍂 Video Review : ( https://youtu.be/QrdCRMP4F-0 )
🍂 Link Thread : ( https://hk4tech.com/home/magician-toolbox-hk-release )
🍂 Planned To Do : Support App Updates
🍂All your needed after a fresh Windows installation.
🍂Everything you need to solve all problems and bugs with offline / online games and programs.
🍂Everything you want and need to make your Windows fast and responsive, to get the best performance of your hardware.
🍂Without internet, your pc / laptop will be ready to use all programs and games without any errors
🍂All In One Runtimes.
🍂All In One Recommended apps After New Windows Installation.
🍂Install All Required Runtimes.
🍂All In One customization Must use.

🍁 Features & Included :

🍁 Features:
💫 Easy To use
💫 Simplify Form
💫 Indicator to follow any orders when starting and ending.
💫 All Portable
💫 All Offline Installation (Except Windows / Office Activation)
💫 No Need Your Hand 🙂

🍁 Apps:
💫 Chrome x64 – x86
💫 Java x64 – x86
💫 DirectX 8-9-10-11 (Full)
💫 .NetFramework 2.0 – 3.5 (Win 10 / 11)
💫 .NetFramework 4.8 (Win 7 / 8.1)
💫 Visual C++ runtime Aio (2005 – 2023)
💫 All Needed Dll Files
💫 Microsoft XML Core Services
💫 Microsoft XNA Framework
💫 PhysX By Nvidia

🍁 Customized Batches:
💫 MeetNow Icon
💫 SmartScreen on/off
💫 Smart Screen Configuration
💫 Old Windows Photo Viewer
💫 Many Commands for Better Performance

🍁 Other Tools:
💫 Windows Update Configuration
💫 Microsoft Windows / Office Activator

الشرح كامل : تابع الفيديو شرح سريع لأستخدام الاداة.






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